Friday, 15 February 2013

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #15- Book of Weapons, Hardware and Paraphernalia

Who knew that the paint on Captain America's shield could retard ablation? Or what Machine Man's Baritone Larynx transducer assembly looks like? I didn't, but those exciting facts and many more are contained within the pages of The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #15- Book of Weapons, Hardware and Paraphernalia. 

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe or OHOTMU for nerds in the know, was a series documenting a good portion of the characters from the Marvel Universe, this final issue is the cherry on top- all the accessories these guys use to clobber each other.

Eliot R. Brown gives us all kinds of technical specs, like Doctor Octopus using lamb's wool padding on the inside of his chest harness. I would use padding as well, those robotic arms would really chafe if you're a tubby bastard.

Alright, so the inside of Deathlok's head might look a bit like an old radio, but the insanity is cranked up a notch when you get to Machine Man. Just look at all that info!

Iron Man's helmet has food dispensers! Hope he likes Pez.

I think one of my favourites is the Wrecker's Crowbar, never again will I say "the holdy bit" or "curvy end".

Track this issue down, if found in bargain bins it's an absolute steal!